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MetaSystems was founded in 1986, during a climactic phase of the Cold War. At that time, intensive research aimed at accelerating biological dosimetry—a method for retroactively determining the radiation dose of accident victims—was underway. The introduction of Metafer, an automatic metaphase finder, along with advanced software for detecting dicentric chromosomes, revolutionized this process. This groundbreaking innovation gave rise to MetaSystems, a company based in southwest Germany near the renowned university city of Heidelberg. Initially a spin-off from the Institute of Physics at Heidelberg University, MetaSystems rapidly developed into a leading provider of cutting-edge imaging solutions for microscopy.

In the early years of MetaSystems, it quickly became clear that Metafer technology was of great interest beyond biological dosimetry. Clinical cytogenetics, particularly in karyotyping, benefited notably from the faster metaphase search. This prompted a closer examination of karyogram creation methods to determine how MetaSystems could contribute.

In 1991, MetaSystems launched Ikaros, a karyogram generation software, and Isis, a FISH imaging software. These products targeted a broader market, enabling MetaSystems to grow rapidly and solidify its position as a leading provider of automated imaging solutions. Today, Ikaros, which now incorporates Isis' functionalities, remains one of MetaSystems' best-selling products. The company's customers span, in addition to clinical cytogenetics and radiation research facilities, various fields, including pathology, microbiology, toxicology, and forensics.

Some of the first Metafer installations were implemented outside Germany and soon extended beyond Europe. As MetaSystems diversified its products and applications, it also expanded into a broad geographical market. Establishing and maintaining a global network of competent partners became a crucial part of the company's development. This network, known as the MetaSystems family (#MetaSystemsFamily), was bolstered by the establishment of subsidiaries in various locations: initially in Boston, USA (now Medford), followed by Hong Kong (China), Bangalore (India), Milan (Italy), and Taizhou (China). The most recent office opened in Buenos Aires (Argentina), serving the entire Latin American market. To unite all members of the global MetaSystems family, the first Distributor Meeting was held in 2002, and it has become a cherished tradition ever since. MetaSystems' adoption of global business strategies with a human touch, known as the "MetaSystems Spirit," has been key to delivering superior product quality and achieving widespread customer satisfaction.

At the dawn of the new millennium, the demand for laboratory analyses skyrocketed across various fields. Laboratory operators increasingly turned to labor division, automation, and high data throughput to meet this growing need. Microscopy work underwent a revolutionary transformation as specialized imaging installations were paired with versatile workstations, allowing users to perform a wide array of tasks. Concurrently, the surge in cases prompted MetaSystems to unveil the groundbreaking SlideFeeder. This innovative device could feed up to 80 specimens into the microscope, enabling Metafer to operate continuously, 24/7, for the very first time.

The high interest of our cytogenetic customers in DNA FISH probes led to the development of whole chromosome painting kits for multicolor FISH and multicolor banding techniques already in 1998. A major milestone of our FISH probes department was the introduction of the first locus-specific probes in 2009, which later captured a vast market under the brand name XL.

The ongoing trend towards larger, interconnected laboratories led to a significant shift from individual workstation setups to comprehensive, laboratory-wide solutions. Managing image and case data, as well as workflows, became increasingly vital. MetaSystems anticipated this need and initially developed MetaClient, a management technology that allowed even large laboratories to efficiently track their cases. In 2017, MetaSystems launched MetaClient’s successor Neon, a groundbreaking technology for organizing data across multiple laboratories. For the first time, it enabled the management and secure storage of images, patient data, and external data all in one place, while providing a complete overview of all workflow steps. Soon, all new installations featured Neon, and existing customers quickly embraced the new technology.

Meanwhile, the demand for high-quality FISH probes surged so rapidly that their development and production became a major focus for MetaSystems. Recognizing the growing significance of this division, we established our sister company, MetaSystems Probes, in 2017 to provide a dedicated environment for this work. Today, MetaSystems Probes has evolved into one of the leading manufacturers of FISH probes for a diverse range of applications.

Every day, we strive to enhance the automation of microscopy processes. Our commitment to customization, user management, and stringent security standards ensures that Metafer and Ikaros remain at the forefront of innovation. The latest advancements in Deep Learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, allow us to replace time-consuming manual steps in image processing. In 2021, we were awarded a U.S. patent for our AI-based chromosome analysis, a groundbreaking technique now integrated into Ikaros to aid users in creating karyograms quickly and efficiently. Additionally, Deep Learning plays a crucial role in our Metafer Customization Package for Sperm Detection and numerous other exciting projects.

Today, MetaSystems and MetaSystems Probes form the cornerstone of a global and solid family of companies with a motivated and constantly growing team, an established network of partners, and a customer base in many different scientific and medical areas.