MetaSystems Exhibition in Latin America

Oct 25, 2016

In October 2016 two major scientific conferences of Latin American societies took place in Montevideo, Uruguay . The XVI. Congress of the Latin American Society of Genetics (ALAG) was followed by the X. Conference of the Latin American Association for Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis and Environmental Teratogenesis (ALAMCTA). MetaSystems offers many solutions for the members of both societies, so that the company decided to present the whole Metafer slide scanning platform in a fully functional manner. Almost all visitors of both conferences took the opportunity to see and try the system, and to chat with the MetaSystems colleagues on site.

MetaSystems gratefully acknowledges the opportunity to give a presentation about Metafer's use in standardization of radiation biodosimetry assays. LBDNet, the Latin American Biological Dosimetry Network organized a seminar and member's meeting alongside the ALAMCTA conference. Dr. Marina Di Giorgio (Argentina) and Dr. Omar García (Cuba) kindly invited MetaSystems to present and discuss the latest tools for biodosimetry automation.


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