OOO MetaSystems Russia on the International Scientific Congress 'Genetics of XXI Century'

Jul 3, 2019

The Congress 'Genetics of XXI Century' in Moscow, Russia (May 2019) has been one of the most important events for the professional international community of geneticists. It was timed to coincide with 50th anniversary of the Research Center of Medical Genetics and 50th anniversary of the medical genetic service of the Russian Federation. The agenda of the event covered the most relevant scientific and practical issues of medical and oncology genetics, laboratory diagnostics, and population genetics. More than 1,500 specialists took part in the Congress.

Since many guests of the congress are users of MetaSystems devices or are familiar with MetaSystems products, our partner company in Russia OOO MetaSystems considered it a good occasion to present the new camera CoolCube 4 connected to a state-of-the-art Neon system to the public.


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