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New Probes Catalog 2021/22 is Online!

Feb 17, 2021

MetaSystems Probes is pleased to announce the new catalog 2021/2022 including many new and innovative products (for example our new RNA FISH probes for COVID-19 research) and supporting information. A PDF version of the new catalog is available for download here.​

New Releases in 2019/2020​

Since the last catalog was published, MetaSystems Probes has introduced the following new FISH probes:​

Hematology / Oncology


COVID-19 Research

XL KMT2A BA D-5090-100-OG XL Wolf-Hirschhorn D-5416-050-OG XRNA SARS-CoV-2, orange R-0101-020-OR
XL t(4;11) AFF1/KMT2A DF D-5131-100-OG XL Cri-Du-Chat D-5417-050-OG XRNA ACE2, green R-0201-020-FI
XL t(6;11) AFDN/KMT2A DF D-5132-100-OG XL Williams-Beuren D-5418-050-OG XRNA TMPRSS2, aqua R-0202-020-BL
XL t(10;11) MLLT10/KMT2A DF D-5134-100-OG XL Prader-Willi/Angelman D-5421-050-OG XRNA PD-L1, green R-0203-020-FI
XL t(11;19) KMT2A/ELL DF D-5135-100-OG XL Smith-Magenis/Miller-Dieker D-5422-050-OG XRNA PGK1, near infrared R-0204-020-IR
XL t(11;19) KMT2A/MLLT1 DF D-5136-100-OG
XL PDGFRA BA D-5137-100-OG
XL t(8;9) PCM1/JAK2 DF D-5120-100-OG
XL CRLF2 BA D-5130-100-OG
XL P2RY8 del D-5150-100-OG
XL IGH/MAFB DF D-5146-100-OG
XL ABL1 BA D-5148-100-OG
XL t(14;18) IGH/MALT1 DF D-6020-100-OG


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