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Break Apart Probe

Order Number
Package Size
100 µl (10 Tests)
Regulatory Status

IVDR Certification

This probe is IVDR-certified in compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDR). For organizational reasons, we currently provide only the IVDD product.

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Intended Purpose

The XL KMT2A BA break-apart probe is a qualitative, non-automated test for the detection of KMT2A-rearrangements at 11q23.3 by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The product is intended as a diagnostic aid and assists in disease monitoring. The test population consists of patients with confirmed or suspected acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Hybridization is to be performed on methanol/acetic-acid fixed cells derived from bone marrow or peripheral blood.

Product Description

The XL KMT2A BA break-apart probe consists of an orange-labeled probe hybridizing proximal to the KMT2A gene region at 11q23.3 extending into the gene up to intron 24 and a green-labeled probe hybridizing distal to the KMT2A gene region at 11q23.3 extending into the gene up to intron 20 and thus overlapping each other for 3.4kb (GRCh37/hg19).

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XL KMT2A BA hybridized to bone marrow cells, one aberrant cell is shown. A cryptic insertion of KMT2A is observed generating a signal pattern of two orange-green colocalization/fusion signals and one additional orange signal.

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Expected Patterns

Expected Pattern 1

Normal Cell:
Two green-orange (2GO) colocalization/fusion signals.

Expected Pattern 2

Aberrant Cell (typical results):
One green-orange colocalization/fusion signal (1GO), one separate green (1G) and orange (1O) signal each resulting from a chromosome break in the respective locus. Translocations with breakpoints within the KMT2A breakpoint cluster region result in a small orange split signal remaining with the separated green signal. The residual orange signal is significantly smaller than the separated orange signal and might even be invisible.

Expected Pattern 3

Aberrant Cell (typical results):
Two green-orange colocalization/fusion signals (2GO) and one separate usually small orange (1O) signal indicating an insertion of the respective genomic region to an unknown chromosome.

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