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Br J Haematol
October, 2013

Fusion of the additional sex combs like 1 and teashirt zinc fingerhomeobox 2 genes resulting from ider(20q) aberration in a patientwith myelodysplastic syndrome.

Jana Brezinova, Iveta Sarova, Halka Buryova, Jana Markova, Sarka Ransdorfova, Silvia Izakova, Karla Kostylkova, Jacqueline Soukupova, Zuzana Zemanova, Kyra Michalova

A variant of del(20q), an isochromosome of the long arm with the loss of an interstitial part of 20q, ider(20q), has been reported in patients with myeloid diseases (Li et al, 2004). About 40 cases with this rearrangement have been reported up to 2012 (reviewed by Mullier et al, 2012). Molecular cytogenetic and array techniques have been used for mapping of the deleted region on 20q (Douet-Guilbert et al, 2009). The proximal breakpoints are consistently located in the 20q11.21 band, and the distal breakpoints span from band 20q13.13 to band 20q13.33.

Mutat Res
June, 2013

Persisting ring chromosomes detected by mFISH in lymphocytes of acancer patient-A case report.

Sabine Schmitz, Michael Pinkawa, Michael J. Eble, Ralf Kriehuber

<p>We report the case of an 84 years old prostate cancer patient with severe side effects after radiotherapy in 2006. He was cytogenetically analysed in 2009 and in 2012 in a comparative study for individual radiosensitivity of prostate cancer patients. No other patient had clonal aberrations, but this patient showed ring chromosomes in the range of 21-25% of lymphocytes. He received 5 cycles of 5-fluorouracil/folic acid for chemotherapy of sigmoid colon carcinoma in 2003, three years before radiotherapy of prostate cancer. Blood samples were irradiated ex vivo with Cs-137 γ-rays (0.7Gy/min) in the G0-phase of the cell cycle. 100 FISH painted metaphases were analysed for the control and the irradiated samples each. Multicolour in situ hybridisation techniques like mFISH and mBand as well as MYC locus, telomere and centromere painting probes were used to characterise ring metaphases. Metaphase search and autocapture was performed with a Zeiss Axioplan 2 imaging microscope followed by scoring and image analysis using Metafer 4/ISIS software (MetaSystems). In 2009 chromosome 8 rings were found in about 25% of lymphocytes. Rings were stable over time and increased to about 30% until 2012. The ring chromosome 8 always lacked telomere signals and a small amount of rings displayed up to four centromere signals. In aberrant metaphases 8pter and 8qter were either translocated or deleted. Further analyses revealed that the breakpoint at the p arm is localised at 8p21.2-22. The breakpoint at the q arm turned out to be distal from the MYC locus at 8q23-24. We hypothesise that the ring chromosome 8 has been developed during the 5 FU/folic acid treatments in 2003. The long term persistence might be due to clonal expansion of a damaged but viable hematopoietic stem cell giving rise to cycling progenitor cells that permit cell survival and proliferation.</p>

Leukemia, 26(7), 1695–1697
July, 2012

Molecular characterization of deletions of the long arm of chromosome5 (del(5q)) in 94 MDS/AML patients.

N. Douet-Guilbert, E. De Braekeleer, A. Basinko, A. Herry, N. Gueganic, C. Bovo, K. Trillet, A. Dos Santos, M. J. Le Bris, F. Morel, J. R. Eveillard, C. Berthou, M. De Braekeleer

Deletion of the long arm of chromosome 5 (del(5q)) is a common finding in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). First described in 1974 by Van den Berghe et al.,1 the 5q- syndrome, more frequently found in old-aged females, is characterized by erythroid hypoplasia, macrocytic anemia, normal to elevated platelets count, preponderance of monolobulated megakaryocytes, isolated 5q deletion and low rate of progression to AML.

J Clin Invest, 122(2), 569–574
February, 2012

Recurrent genomic instability of chromosome 1q in neural derivativesof human embryonic stem cells.

Christine Varela, Jérôme Alexandre Denis, Jérôme Polentes, Maxime Feyeux, Sophie Aubert, Benoite Champon, Geneviève Piétu, Marc Peschanski, Nathalie Lefort

Human pluripotent stem cells offer a limitless source of cells for regenerative medicine. Neural derivatives of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are currently being used for cell therapy in 3 clinical trials. However, hESCs are prone to genomic instability, which could limit their clinical utility. Here, we report that neural differentiation of hESCs systematically produced a neural stem cell population that could be propagated for more than 50 passages without entering senescence; this was true for all 6 hESC lines tested. The apparent spontaneous loss of evolution toward normal senescence of somatic cells was associated with a jumping translocation of chromosome 1q. This chromosomal defect has previously been associated with hematologic malignancies and pediatric brain tumors with poor clinical outcome. Neural stem cells carrying the 1q defect implanted into the brains of rats failed to integrate and expand, whereas normal cells engrafted. Our results call for additional quality controls to be implemented to ensure genomic integrity not only of undifferentiated pluripotent stem cells, but also of hESC derivatives that form cell therapy end products, particularly neural lines.

Stem Cell Rev, 7(2), 471–477
June, 2011

An improved technique for chromosomal analysis of human ES and iPScells.

Daniela Moralli, Mohammed Yusuf, Mohammad A Mandegar, Suhail Khoja, Zoia L Monaco, Emanuela V Volpi

Prolonged in vitro culture of human embryonic stem (hES) cells can result in chromosomal abnormalities believed to confer a selective advantage. This potential occurrence has crucial implications for the appropriate use of hES cells for research and therapeutic purposes. In view of this, time-point karyotypic evaluation to assess genetic stability is recommended as a necessary control test to be carried out during extensive 'passaging'. Standard techniques currently used for the cytogenetic assessment of ES cells include G-banding and/or Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)-based protocols for karyotype analysis, including M-FISH and SKY. Critical for both banding and FISH techniques are the number and quality of metaphase spreads available for analysis at the microscope. Protocols for chromosome preparation from hES and human induced pluripotent stem (hiPS) cells published so far appear to differ considerably from one laboratory to another. Here we present an optimized technique, in which both the number and the quality of chromosome metaphase spreads were substantially improved when compared to current standard techniques for chromosome preparations. We believe our protocol represents a significant advancement in this line of work, and has the required attributes of simplicity and consistency to be widely accepted as a reference method for high quality, fast chromosomal analysis of human ES and iPS cells.

Methods Mol Biol, 730, 203–218

The use of M-FISH and M-BAND to define chromosome abnormalities.

Ruth N. Mackinnon, Ilse Chudoba

Multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (M-FISH) and multicolour banding (M-BAND) are advanced chromosome painting techniques combining multiple chromosome- or region-specific paints in one step. M-FISH identifies all chromosomes or chromosome arms at once, whereas M-BAND identifies the different regions of a single chromosome. The use of either or both can improve the accuracy of karyotyping and help identify cryptic chromosome rearrangements. These probes are prepared by pooling multiple chromosome- or chromosome region-specific DNA libraries, each labelled with a unique combination of fluorochromes. Commercial probes are available, avoiding the need for probe preparation. In the protocol described here, a commercial probe is used. Well-spread metaphases are prepared according to standard techniques, followed by alkaline denaturation and application of the denatured probe. After an incubation period, the slides are washed. A fluorescence microscope with filter sets specific to the fluorescent labels is used for analysis, together with specialised image analysis software. The software interprets the combination of fluorochromes to identify each chromosome and produce a false colour image specific for each chromosome or region. The single colour galleries - which show the hybridisation patterns of the individual fluorochromes - are useful to help interpret and confirm the false colour images produced by the software, including ambiguous signals.

Leuk Res, 34(8), 1002–1006
August, 2010

Recurrent involvement of heterochromatic regions in multiple myeloma-amulticolor FISH study.

Kathrin Lange, Dorothea Gadzicki, Brigitte Schlegelberger, Gudrun Göhring

Chromosome aberrations are important prognostic markers in multiple myeloma (MM), but their identification may be hampered by complexity of the karyotypes. Using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (mFISH), we found cryptic aberrations in 7 of 10 patients with a complex karyotype. Moreover, in addition to typical aberrations involving 1q, 13q, 14q and 17p and structural aberrations in chromosomes 1, 6, 9 and 19, (iso)dicentric chromosomes and whole-arm translocations were detected. These chromosome aberrations were generated by breaks in heterochromatic regions indicating an increased breakage of these regions, which may predispose to the generation of chromosome aberrations in multiple myeloma.

Mutat Res, 701(1), 52–59
August, 2010

Complex exchanges are responsible for the increased effectivenessof C-ions compared to X-rays at the first post-irradiation mitosis.

Ryonfa Lee, Sylwester Sommer, Carola Hartel, Elena Nasonova, Marco Durante, Sylvia Ritter

<p>The purpose of the present study was to investigate as to what extent differences in the linear energy transfer (LET) are reflected at the chromosomal level. For this study human lymphocytes were exposed to 9.5 MeV/u C-ions (1 or 2 Gy, LET=175 keV/microm) or X-rays (1-6 Gy), harvested at 48, 72 or 96 h post-irradiation and aberrations were scored in first cycle metaphases using 24 color fluorescence in situ hybridization (mFISH). Additionally, in selected samples aberrations were measured in prematurely condensed G2-phase cells. Analysis of the time-course of aberrations in first cycle metaphases showed a stable yield of simple and complex exchanges after X-ray irradiation. In contrast, after C-ion exposure the yields profoundly increased with harvesting time complicating the estimation of the frequency of aberrations produced by high LET particles within the entire cell population. This is especially true for the yield of complex exchanges. Complex aberrations dominate the aberration spectrum produced by C-ions. Their fraction was about 50\% for the two measured doses. In contrast, isodoses of X-rays induced smaller proportions of complex aberrations (i.e. 5% and 15%, respectively). For both radiation qualities the fraction of complexes did not change with harvesting time. As expected from the different dose deposition of high and low LET radiation, complex exchanges produced by high LET C-ions involved more breaks and more chromosomes than those induced by isodoses of X-rays. Noteworthy, C-ions but not X-rays induced a small number of complex chromatid-isochromatid exchanges that are not expected for cells exposed in the G0-phase. The results obtained so far for cells arrested in G2-phase confirm these patterns. Altogether our data show that the increased effectiveness of C-ions for the induction of aberrations in first cycle cells is determined by complex exchanges, whereas for simple exchanges the relative biological effectiveness is about one.</p>

Radiat Res, 174(1), 20–26
July, 2010

Influence of nuclear geometry on the formation of genetic rearrangementsin human cells.

M. Durante, D. Pignalosa, J. A. Jansen, X. F. Walboomers, S. Ritter

Interphase chromosomes are divided into discrete domains, with limited overlapping and movement. We explored the role of nuclear topology in the formation of chromosome aberrations by irradiating normal human fibroblasts with high-energy heavy ions from different directions. Cells with elliptical nuclei were grown in an aligned manner onto micrometer grooved culturing substrates to have a predetermined orientation with respect to the accelerated iron ions. Particles were directed either perpendicular to the cell layer or along the major or minor axis of the nucleus. Analysis of chromosome aberrations by mFISH showed that, at the same radiation dose, the yield of chromosomal damage and its complexity are largely modified by the irradiation geometry. The results demonstrate that the architecture of the cell nucleus determines the formation of chromosomal rearrangements.

Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 200(2), 79–99
July, 2010

Transgenic oncogenes induce oncogene-independent cancers with individualkaryotypes and phenotypes.

Andreas Klein, Nan Li, Joshua M Nicholson, Amanda A McCormack, Adolf Graessmann, Peter Duesberg

Cancers are clones of autonomous cells defined by individual karyotypes, much like species. Despite such karyotypic evidence for causality, three to six synergistic mutations, termed oncogenes, are generally thought to cause cancer. To test single oncogenes, they are artificially activated with heterologous promoters and spliced into the germ line of mice to initiate cancers with collaborating spontaneous oncogenes. Because such cancers are studied as models for the treatment of natural cancers with related oncogenes, the following must be answered: 1) which oncogenes collaborate with the transgenes in cancers; 2) how do single transgenic oncogenes induce diverse cancers and hyperplasias; 3) what maintains cancers that lose initiating transgenes; 4) why are cancers aneuploid, over- and underexpressing thousands of normal genes? Here we try to answer these questions with the theory that carcinogenesis is a form of speciation. We postulate that transgenic oncogenes initiate carcinogenesis by inducing aneuploidy. Aneuploidy destabilizes the karyotype by unbalancing teams of mitosis genes. This instability thus catalyzes the evolution of new cancer species with individual karyotypes. Depending on their degree of aneuploidy, these cancers then evolve new subspecies. To test this theory, we have analyzed the karyotypes and phenotypes of mammary carcinomas of mice with transgenic SV40 tumor virus- and hepatitis B virus-derived oncogenes. We found that (1) a given transgene induced diverse carcinomas with individual karyotypes and phenotypes; (2) these karyotypes coevolved with newly acquired phenotypes such as drug resistance; (3) 8 of 12 carcinomas were transgene negative. Having found one-to-one correlations between individual karyotypes and phenotypes and consistent coevolutions of karyotypes and phenotypes, we conclude that carcinogenesis is a form of speciation and that individual karyotypes maintain cancers as they maintain species. Because activated oncogenes destabilize karyotypes and are dispensable in cancers, we conclude that they function indirectly, like carcinogens. Such oncogenes would thus not be valid models for the treatment of cancers.

Radiother Oncol, 95, 73-78

Chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes of prostatecancer patients treated with IMRT and carbon ions.

Carola Hartel, Anna Nikoghosyan, Marco Durante, Sylwester Sommer, Elena Nasonova, Claudia Fournier, Ryonfa Lee, Jürgen Debus, Daniela Schulz-Ertner, Sylvia Ritter

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To investigate the cytogenetic damage in blood lymphocytes of patients treated for prostate cancer with different radiation qualities and target volumes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty patients receiving carbon-ion boost irradiation followed by IMRT or IMRT alone for the treatment of prostate cancer entered the study. Cytogenetic damage induced in peripheral blood lymphocytes of these patients was investigated at different times during the radiotherapy course using Giemsa staining and mFISH. A blood sample from each patient was taken before initiation of radiation therapy and irradiated in vitro to test for individual radiosensitivity. In addition, in vitro dose-effect curves for the induction of chromosomal exchanges by X-rays and carbon ions of different energies were measured. RESULTS: The yield of chromosome aberrations increased during the therapy course, and the frequency was lower in patients irradiated with carbon ions as compared to patients treated with IMRT with similar target volumes. A higher frequency of aberrations was measured by increasing the target volume. In vitro, high-LET carbon ions were more effective than X-rays in inducing aberrations and yielded a higher fraction of complex exchanges. The yield of complex aberrations observed in vivo was very low. CONCLUSION: The investigation showed no higher aberration yield induced by treatment with a carbon-ion boost. In contrast, the reduced integral dose to the normal tissue is reflected in a lower chromosomal aberration yield when a carbon-ion boost is used instead of IMRT alone. No cytogenetic #signature# of exposure to densely ionizing carbon ions could be detected in vivo.

Int J Radiat Biol, 85(11), 1051–1059
November, 2009

Response of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells to energeticcarbon ions.

Daniela Becker, Thilo Elsässer, Torsten Tonn, Erhard Seifried, Marco Durante, Sylvia Ritter, Claudia Fournier

To characterise the radiation response of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC) with respect to X and carbon ion irradiation.HSPC from peripheral blood of healthy donors treated with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) were enriched for the transmembrane glycoprotein CD34 (cluster of differentiation) and irradiated with X rays or carbon ions (29 keV/microm monoenergetic beam and 60-85 keV/microm spread-out Bragg peak), mimicking radiotherapy conditions. Apoptotic cell death, cell cycle progression and the frequency of chromosomal aberrations were determined.After radiation exposure no inhibition in the progression of the cell cycle was detected. However, an enhanced frequency of apoptotic cells and an increase in aberrant cells were observed, both effects being more pronounced for carbon ions than X rays, resulting in a relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 1.4-1.7. The fraction of complex-type aberrations was higher following carbon ion exposure.RBE values of carbon ions are low, as expected for radiosensitive cells. The observed frequencies of apoptotic cells and chromosome aberrations in HSPC are similar to those reported for human peripheral blood lymphocytes suggesting that at least with respect to apoptosis and chromosomal aberrations mature lymphocytes reflect the respective radiation responses of their proliferating progenitors.

Cancer Genet. Cytogenet., 193, 44- 53

Gene amplification in myeloid leukemias elucidated by fluorescence in situ hybridization.

K.C. Rayeroux, L.J. Campbell

Gene amplification in hematologic malignancies is uncommon. When karyotyping leukemia cells, gene amplification is generally seen as double-minute (dmin) chromosomes and homogeneously staining regions (hsr). One of the more commonly amplified regions is MYC at 8q24.21, but amplification of MLL at 11q23 and regions on 9p, 19q, and elsewhere on 11q have been reported. Increased copy number of these genes has been associated with poor prognosis. Over an 11-year period, we identified 31 cases of possible gene amplification, 27 of which had enough sample material for further investigations. A total of 17 cases had dmin only, 13 cases had hsr only, and 1 case had both dmin and hsr in the karyotype. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis identified amplification of MYC in 12 cases, all on dmin, and amplification of MLL in eight cases, all on hsr. Regions other than MYC and MLL were amplified in eight cases and, using multicolor FISH and multicolor banding, we identified a number of novel regions of amplification: 13q11 approximately q12.1, 15q26.1 approximately q26.3, and 17q12. We also identified one case where two different chromosomal regions were simultaneously amplified in the same cell line.

Medical Hypotheses, 0- 0

Defining the steps that lead to cancer: Replicative telomere erosion, aneuploidy and an epigenetic maturation arrest of tissue stem cells.

R. Stindl

Recently, an influential sequencing study found that more than 1700 genes had non-silent mutations in either a breast or colorectal cancer, out of just 11 breast and 11 colorectal tumor samples. This is not surprising given the fact that genomic instability is the hallmark of cancer cells. The plethora of genomic alterations found in every carcinoma does not obey the ‘law of genotype–phenotype correlation’, since the same histological subtype of cancer harbors different gene mutations and chromosomal aberrations in every patient. In an attempt to make sense out of the observed genetic and chromosomal chaos in cancer, I propose a cascade model. According to this model, tissue regeneration depends on the proliferation and serial activation of stem cells. Replicative telomere erosion limits the proliferative life span of adult stem cells and results in the Hayflick limit (M1). However, local tissue exhaustion or old age might promote the activation of M1-deficient tissue stem cells. Extended proliferation of these cells leads to telomere-driven chromosomal instability and aneuploidy (abnormal balance of chromosomes and/or chromosome material). Several of the aforementioned steps have been already described in the literature. However, in contrast to common theories, it is proposed here that the genomic damage blocks the epigenetic differentiation switch. As a result of aneuploidy, differentiation-specific genes cannot be activated by modification of methylation patterns. Consequently, the phenotype of cancer tissue is largely determined by the epigenetic maturation arrest of tissue stem cells, which in addition enables a fraction of cancer cells to proliferate, invade and metastasize, as normal adult stem cells do. The new model combines genetic and epigenetic alterations of cancer cells in one causative cascade and offers an explanation for why identical histologic cancer types harbor a confusing variety of chromosomal and gene aberrations. The Viennese Cascade, as presented here, may end the debate on if and how ‘tumor-unspecific’ aneuploidy leads to cancer.

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Med Hypotheses, 71(1), 126–140

Defining the steps that lead to cancer: replicative telomere erosion,aneuploidy and an epigenetic maturation arrest of tissue stem cells.

Reinhard Stindl

Recently, an influential sequencing study found that more than 1700 genes had non-silent mutations in either a breast or colorectal cancer, out of just 11 breast and 11 colorectal tumor samples. This is not surprising given the fact that genomic instability is the hallmark of cancer cells. The plethora of genomic alterations found in every carcinoma does not obey the 'law of genotype-phenotype correlation', since the same histological subtype of cancer harbors different gene mutations and chromosomal aberrations in every patient. In an attempt to make sense out of the observed genetic and chromosomal chaos in cancer, I propose a cascade model. According to this model, tissue regeneration depends on the proliferation and serial activation of stem cells. Replicative telomere erosion limits the proliferative life span of adult stem cells and results in the Hayflick limit (M1). However, local tissue exhaustion or old age might promote the activation of M1-deficient tissue stem cells. Extended proliferation of these cells leads to telomere-driven chromosomal instability and aneuploidy (abnormal balance of chromosomes and/or chromosome material). Several of the aforementioned steps have been already described in the literature. However, in contrast to common theories, it is proposed here that the genomic damage blocks the epigenetic differentiation switch. As a result of aneuploidy, differentiation-specific genes cannot be activated by modification of methylation patterns. Consequently, the phenotype of cancer tissue is largely determined by the epigenetic maturation arrest of tissue stem cells, which in addition enables a fraction of cancer cells to proliferate, invade and metastasize, as normal adult stem cells do. The new model combines genetic and epigenetic alterations of cancer cells in one causative cascade and offers an explanation for why identical histologic cancer types harbor a confusing variety of chromosomal and gene aberrations. The Viennese Cascade, as presented here, may end the debate on if and how 'tumor-unspecific' aneuploidy leads to cancer.

Cytogenet. Genome Res., 121, 79- 87

Elevated chromosome translocation frequencies in New Zealand nuclear test veterans.

M.A. Wahab, E.M. Nickless, R. Najar-M'Kacher, C. Parmentier, J.V. Podd, R.E. Rowland

In 1957/58 the British Government conducted a series of nuclear tests in the mid-Pacific codenamed Operation Grapple, which involved several naval vessels from Britain and New Zealand. Two New Zealand frigates with 551 personnel onboard were stationed at various distances between 20 and 150 nautical miles from ground zero. In the present study we applied the cytomolecular technique mFISH (multicolour fluorescent in situ hybridisation) to investigate a potential link between chromosome abnormalities and possible past radiation exposure in New Zealand nuclear test veterans who participated in Operation Grapple. Compared to age matched controls, the veterans showed significantly higher (P < 0.0001) frequencies of chromosomal abnormalities (275 translocations and 12 dicentrics in 9,360 cells vs. 96 translocations and 1 dicentric in 9,548 cells in the controls), in addition to a significant excess of CCRs (complex chromosomal rearrangements) in the veterans. A Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test showed that the distributions of translocations for the two groups were significantly different.

Radiation Research, 170, 458- 466

Chromosome inter- and intrachanges detected by arm-specific DNA probes in the progeny of human lymphocytes exposed to energetic heavy ions.

D. Pignalosa, A. Bertucci, G. Gialanella, G. Grossi, L. Manti, M. Pugliese, P. Scampoli, M. Durante

We measured residual cytogenetic damage in the progeny of human peripheral blood lymphocytes exposed to 1 GeV/ nucleon iron ions or gamma rays. Arm-specific DNA probes for chromosome 1 were used to detect aberrations as a function of dose in cells harvested 144 h after exposure. In addition, arm-specific mFISH was applied to samples exposed to a single dose of 2 Gy. These methods allowed the detection of interarm intrachanges (pericentric inversions) in addition to interchanges. The ratio of these types of aberrations (F ratio) has been proposed as a fingerprint of exposure to densely ionizing radiation. The fractions of aberrant cells in the progeny of cells exposed to iron ions were similar to those in the population exposed to gamma rays, possibly because many rearrangements induced by heavy ions ultimately lead to cell death. Simple inter- and intrachanges were also similar, but more complex rearrangements were found in cells that survived after exposure to iron ions. We did not find a significant difference in the ratio of simple interchanges to simple intrachanges for the two radiation types. However, iron ions induced a much higher frequency of events involving both inter- and intrachanges. We conclude that these complex rearrangements represent a hallmark of exposure to heavy ions and may be responsible of the decrease of the F ratio with increasing LET reported in the literature in some in vitro and in vivo experiments.

Mol Cancer, 7, 76

Human ESCs predisposition to karyotypic instability: Is a matterof culture adaptation or differential vulnerability among hESC linesdue to inherent properties?

Puri Catalina, Rosa Montes, Gertru Ligero, Laura Sanchez, de la Cueva, Teresa, Clara Bueno, Paola E Leone, Pablo Menendez

<p>BACKGROUND: The use of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) in research is increasing and hESCs hold the promise for many biological, clinical and toxicological studies. Human ESCs are expected to be chromosomally stable since karyotypic changes represent a pitfall for potential future applications. Recently, several studies have analysed the genomic stability of several hESC lines maintained after prolonged in vitro culture but controversial data has been reported. Here, we prompted to compare the chromosomal stability of three hESC lines maintained in the same laboratory using identical culture conditions and passaging methods. RESULTS: Molecular cytogenetic analyses performed in three different hESC lines maintained in parallel in identical culture conditions revealed significant differences among them in regard to their chromosomal integrity. In feeders, the HS181, SHEF-1 and SHEF-3 hESC lines were chromosomally stable up to 185 passages using either mechanical or enzymatic dissection methods. Despite the three hESC lines were maintained under identical conditions, each hESC line behaved differently upon being transferred to a feeder-free culture system. The two younger hESC lines, HS181 (71 passages) and SHEF-3 (51 passages) became chromosomally unstable shortly after being cultured in feeder-free conditions. The HS181 line gained a chromosome 12 by passage 17 and a marker by passage 21, characterized as a gain of chromosome 20 by SKY. Importantly, the mosaicism for trisomy 12 gradually increased up to 89% by passage 30, suggesting that this karyotypic abnormality provides a selective advantage. Similarly, the SHEF-3 line also acquired a trisomy of chromosome 14 as early as passage 10. However, this karyotypic aberration did not confer selective advantage to the genetically abnormal cells within the bulk culture and the level of mosaicism for the trisomy 14 remained overtime between 15%-36%. Strikingly, however, a much older hESC line, SHEF-1, which was maintained for 185 passages in feeders did not undergo any numerical or structural chromosomal change after 30 passages in feeder-free culture and over 215 passages in total. CONCLUSION: These results support the concept that feeder-free conditions may partially contribute to hESC chromosomal changes but also confirm the hypothesis that regardless of the culture conditions, culture duration or splitting methods, some hESC lines are inherently more prone than others to karyotypic instability.</p>

Leukemia Research, 31, 39- 47

Analysis of complex chromosomal rearrangements in adult patients with MDS and AML by multicolor FISH.

L. Babicka, S. Ransdorfova, J. Brezinova, Z. Zemanova, L. Sindelarova, M. Siskova, J. Maaloufova, J. Cermak, K. Michalova

We analyzed complex chromosomal aberrations in 37 adult patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) using classical cytogenetic method, FISH with locus-specific probes, multicolor FISH (mFISH) and multicolor banding (mBAND). Unbalanced structural aberrations, leading to a gain or loss of chromosomal material, were frequently observed in bone marrow cells. In 30 patients (81.1%) loss or rearrangement of chromosome 5, 7 and/or 11 was found. The most frequent numerical change was trisomy 8 as expected (detected in six patients-16.2%) and the most frequent breakpoints 5q13, 5q33, 7q31, 10p12, 11q23, 12p13, 17p11 and 21q22 were determined.

Int J Med Sci, 3, 124- 129

Low temperature tolerance of human embryonic stem cells.

B.C. Heng, K.J. Vinoth, H. Liu, M.P. Hande, T. Cao

This study investigated the effects of exposing human embryonic stem cells (hESC) to 4oC and 25oC for extended durations of 24h and 48h respectively. Cell survivability after low temperature exposure was assessed through the MTT assay. The results showed that hESC survivability after exposure to 25oC and 4oC for 24h was 77.3 ± 4.8 % and 64.4 ± 4.4 % respectively (significantly different, P < 0.05). The corresponding survival rates after 48h exposure to 25oC and 4oC was 71.0 ± 0.5 % and 69.0 ± 2.3 % respectively (not significantly different, P > 0.05). Spontaneous differentiation of hESC after low temperature exposure was assessed by morphological observations under bright-field and phase-contrast microscopy, and by immunocytochemical staining for the pluripotency markers SSEA-3 and TRA-1-81. hESC colonies were assigned into 3 grades according to their degree of spontaneous differentiation: (1) Grade A which was completely or mostly undifferentiated, (2) Grade B which was partially differentiated, and (3) Grade C which was mostly differentiated. In all low temperature exposed groups, about 95% of colonies remain undifferentiated (Grade A), which was not significantly different (P > 0.05) from the unexposed control group maintained at 37oC. Additionally, normal karyotype was maintained in all low temperature-exposed groups, as assessed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of metaphase spreads with telomere and centromere-specific PNA probes. Further analysis with m-FISH showed that chromosomal translocations were absent in all experimental groups. Hence, hESC possess relatively high-tolerance to extended durations of low temperature exposure, which could have useful implications for the salvage of hESC culture during infrequent occurrences of incubator break-down and power failure.